'Haritha Keralam Mission' is one among the four missions launched by the governement of Kerala as a part of the 'Nava Keralam Mission'.The other three are namely 'Ardram', 'Life' and 'Comprehensive Educational Rejuvenation Programme'.The Main initiative of this Mission is to the development of the State & to intensify the position of Kerala on the map.
Haritha Keralam Mission is a comprehensive program for creating new development perspectives by maximum utilization of opportunities through waste management, water resources and resources and agricultural development using organic farming. The mision was launched as an initiative to save Kerala from day by day increasing non bio-degradable waste and to ensure that Kerala's beauty remains untouched for the future generations to reside in.
Haritha Keralam Mission is a project of and for the people of Kerala. This massive movement aims to clear and remove wastes from all water bodies in the state, ensure the proper disposal of solid waste and removal of waste water and to increase the area of land under cultivation..... read more